Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Financial companies all need to be able to manage the enormous amount of regulatory control requirements and guidelines for each country where they do business.
Interpreting and Managing High Volumes of Regulatory Information
Machine Learning Robotics
Elevondata has developed natural language processing (NLP) and workflow robotics framework to ingest and track the enormous amount of regulatory control information available about each country where these companies do business. This includes official documents, media publications and news articles, and legal opinions issued by trusted companies and practitioners, which Elevondata has been harvesting for many months

Life Sciences Compliance
Tracking Competitor Approvals
For Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, the Compliance Intelligence platform monitors the global progress of external approvals required for new medications and machines, and maps that against the internal lifecycle of bringing these new products and services to market.
Financial Services Compliance
Elevondata’s platform provides Financial Services Compliance personnel the powerful tools they need to ensure that all internal policies and procedures are properly mapped to regulations and guidelines issued in all their jurisdictions. The framework allows user-driven tagging of ingested information, and the workflow robotics will take automated actions as allowed by you, or assign tasks to human analysts.